Sunday, May 24, 2015

Anti Aging Formula

Anti age
Our age is increasing day by day. Some physical symptoms like decrease of memory, cardiac problem, Thyroid etc   also arise besides the increase of ages. There is no way without physical exercise to prevent the increase of age. To avoid any of your physical problems there is no way without control your weight. Try to control BMI with in to 22. Over weight and under weight both are not good. It is true that genetic factor is a big reason for looking over age but it can possible to control it by following the formula given below:

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Grapefruit; the attractive food for Weight Loss

Weight loss
Beauty conscious peoples who want to keep their body fit and smart, who are feeling tension about the over weight of their bodies. There is very attractive information for them to decrease the disgusting weight of the bodies.
They can decrease their weight by eating a fruit and this fruit is very simple and its name is Grapefruit.
Grapefruit decrees the fat of body. It always helps to active the metabolize of the body which is the first condition of weight loss of body. It is best if you can drink the raw

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Beauty and fitness tips for Skincare in winter

Beauty Conscious peoples always become agitated at winter season about their body, mind, skin and hair. Everyday try to take shower and try to walk how long is possible. It will help you to refresh your mind, body and skin. Here we will discussed about some steps, that can help you to keep refresh your body, mind and skin at winter season.
Skin Care tips for winter

Beauty and fitness Tips for Winter:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Beauty and fitness tips; Skin Care

Natural resources of Skin care
Is it mandatory to go to the beauty parlor every day to keep yourself beautiful and smart? Is it mandatory to expense a lot of money to purchase expensive cosmetics?? In fact, it is not, if you want you can follow some Beauty and fitness tips, you can be yourself your own beautician. The nature gives us a huge resource of beautification materials.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Beauty and fitness tips about Anti Aging Foods

Beauty and fitness tips
Time and Age wait for none but most of peoples want to present him as young. Sometimes we spend a lot of money for anti aging surgery, sometimes we eat slimming pill But it is not required if we take care about our daily food menu. Some selected Anti Aging Foods have necessary elements which help us to look young. "Beauty and fitness tips" blog provide some anti aging foods list which are given below:

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Avoid Sugar

-The true silent killer

Every day we eat different types of foods. Most of the foods tested is Sour, peppery or sweet. Most of people, especially kids and women like sweet more than sour and peppery and sugar is the main source of sweets.
Do we know sugar is the one of the silent killer of our life? Do we know sugar is more harmful than the test? Here we will try to know some of the bad impact of sugar for our life.

1.     Sugar has the same toxicity, as like alcohol:

Everybody knows alcohol has toxic which is dangerous for the liver, but how many peoples know sugar also has the same toxic like alcohol? Sugar is full of contained glucose and fructose. Glucose always metabolizes by every cell in our body but fructose? Our Liver is only one organ of our body that can metabolize the fructose. When we eat a lot of sugar, then it prevents the smooth functioning of our Liver which is harmful for our body and life also.

2.     Destruction the disease resistance of body:

If our body gets excess sugar, then the pancreas has emanate a lot of insulin and prevent the immune system. As a result, the disease resistance level of our body destruct. 

3.     Sugar makes us fat:

Sugar has a lot of fat, if we unable to utilize or burn this fat of our body, it is increased in our body and make us over ages

4.     The main source of Diabetic:

Every day we eat a lot of foods and most of foods have sugar. As a result, our body can get its necessary sugar from other foods. So, it is not required to eat excess sugar for our body. When we eat excess sugar, then the pancreas has emanate necessary insulin to control it. By taking excess sugar our pancreas can be weak and it may be unable to function smoothly. As a result, we join as a team of diabetic patient.

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5.     High blood presser and Heart disease:

Excess sugar increases cholesterol and make blood coagulation in the vein and heart. As a result, our blood pressure can increase and can be the reason of  a heart attack.

6.     Sugar decay our teeth:

Sugar is one of the reasons of decay our teeth. When sugary foods or sugar sits on our teeth, then it starts to decay our teeth. It is best to clean our teeth after eating sugary foods. Check your teeth before and after drinking the sugary food of coca cola or like that. You will get the result of your teeth condition instantly.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Fitness tips and Garlic

Garlic- Fitness tips
Garlic, Latin name Allium sativum, It has been used for a thousand years ago to make our foods taste better and help cure a long list of ailments. "Beauty and fitness tips" blog is providing for its visitors about the multi valuable uses of Garlic.  

It is a native crop to to Central Asia and also a staple food in the Mediterranean region. It is now more often used as a seasoning in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Garlic is good for more than its great taste. Garlic has long